Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1.5 Personal Perspective of Leadership

1.5 Personal Perspective of Leadership

Q Instructions In this first module you were introduced to the definition and description of leadership providing an understanding of the many different perspectives on what constitutes leadership. As you reflect on the on this week, respond to the following questions: What reading, video, or assignment stood out for you and why? From your personal perspective, how would you define leadership? What leader would you identify that aligns with your definition of leadership? What traits or skills must be present for you to follow? Your reflection paper should be approximately 300 words (one-page double-spaced) using APA format. You do not need a cover page, however, a reference page should be included if sources used in the reflection. Refer to the Reflection of Learning Rubric for guidelines and grading. Submit to the this folder by Sunday, January 13th at 11:59 PM.

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The video “Why credibility is the foundation of leadership by Barry Posner” is the one which stood out for me. In this talk, Barry talks about how a person becomes a leader. According to him, a leader is created when an individual is followed by a group of people and in order for people to follow that particular person he/she needs to have some credibility which will attract people towards that individual. As according to him people only follow those people who are honest, inspirational, confident, goal-oriented, and has opinions (Tedx Talks, 2015). I will also follow those people who have the traits in him/her that are mentioned in the above-given list. Truly, according to me too a leader cannot be made if the individual does not have some kind of trait which will make people like them.